Learn to tackle your complex academic assignments

Gracie Anderson
2 min readSep 26, 2019


Do you get perplexed and frustrated by the very thought of writing an assignment of 5000 words? Failing to nerve up to the challenge might compel you to cry out “I need professional help to do my assignments”. And more often than not, taking help from academic experts burn a big hole in your pockets.

Writing an assignment won’t seem that difficult if you follow some simple yet effective strategies. Here are some excellent guidelines that will help you to plan your assignments like a pro:

Ø Mind mapping and spider diagrams

This strategy comes handy while working on lengthy case studies, reports or any assignment that involves confusing topics. Instead of requesting the experts “Do my assignment for me”, invest some of your time in studying the topic first. Then, put the central idea in a box and draw arms around to that denote the various arguments related to the central theme.

It will help you rationally organize your thoughts by shedding new light on the topics that you are yet to explore.

Ø Outlines and charts

Experts who cater to yourDo my assignment for merequests in UK always list or outline your assignments to stay within the scope of the topic. The list or outline format of planning your assignment involves jotting down the arguments sequentially so that it follows a liner progression of thoughts.

Add an introduction to the beginning of the list and a conclusion in the end after that. Note that the introduction should take 10% of the entire word count for the assignments. Conclusions take up 5–10% of the word limit. You can use the rest of the word count for detailing your topic.

Ø Planning by paragraphs

This strategy works best when you have already written the first draft. Once you start revising your paper, use a paragraph planner to summarize each of the paragraphs in your assignment into mini-paragraphs. This way, you get an idea about the main arguments presented in the assignments, as well as the order that they appear in your paper. You can then refer to the paragraph planner to see if any ideas or arguments seem repetitive or redundant.

Follow these guidelines meticulously, and soon you won’t need to ask the experts Do my essay for me” and be able to tackle those assignments with confidence. Upon completion, proofread the paper thoroughly to eliminate the grammatical fallacies, and you will be all set to grab that A+ grade of your dreams.



Gracie Anderson
Gracie Anderson

Written by Gracie Anderson

Gracie Anderson, a former academician, is currently associated with MyAssignmenthelp.com/au/ as a custom assignment expert.

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